The Word on Fire

Monday, October 4, 2010

Mark Shea on C. S. Lewis and Canonization

Mark Shea has written a wonderful article on the nature and purpose of canonization, in particular relation to C. S. Lewis and the work he did in the name of Christ.

"Canonization is not intended to say that saints are in Heaven but nobody else is.  Rather it is intended to say, 'This person shows us how to fully incarnate the life of Jesus in union with the Catholic Church, in which the fullness of the revelation subsists.'"


  1. Would this have anything to do with the investigation into the possibility of canonization for G. K. Chesterton?

    By the way, welcome to the blogosphere!

  2. It's not directly related, but a few days' worth of posts further down is Mark Shea's post on an article discussing Chesterton's conversion. Thus far, though, that case seems rather promising. There was quite the discussion in the comments to that particular post...

    Thank you! I look forward to future posts and comments.
